These 5 recipes form the bulk of my chapter on how to cook chicken, and were also presented as a cooking demonstration “Chicken 5 ways” at Ketofest 2019 in New London, CT on July 20, 2019. They are presented here for attendees of Ketofest.

Chicken wing
- 2 Chicken wings from butchering a whole chicken
- olive oil
- salt
- full cream milk powder
- creme fraiche or sour cream
- blue cheese
- butter melted
- hot sauce
- Cut the skin and meat around the shoulder joint, dislocate the wing at the elbow and pull the wing off leaving the first wing bone attached to the carcass.
- Drizzle with olive oil, and dust with a little full cream milk powder, salt and pepper.
- Put on a baking sheet and bake in a 180C (375F) oven until golden, turning every 15 mins – around 45 mins total cook time.
- Cut the tips off with a cleaver, and reserve for the chicken stock later on.
- Serve with creme fraiche or sour creme with blue cheese blended in, and a hot sauce made from melted butter and hot sauce.

Airline Breast
- 2 Chicken breasts Butchered from a whole chicken
- 1 sprig Rosemary
- 1 tbs olive oil
- 3 tbs butter
- 1/2 cup Chicken Stock prepared from whole carcass
- salt
- Remove the breast keeping skin on, and the exposed bone of the wing.
- Remove tenders, rub with olive oil and Rosemaryand slide under the skin of the breast.
- Salt the outside of the breast.
- Fry in a hot skillet with about 1 tbs of olive oil in it skin side down. Cook till browned (6 mins)
- Flip and reduce heat to medium. Add 1 tbs butter, leaves of 12 sprig of rosemary, and 2 of thyme. Baste chicken, and cook until the internal temp is 75C (165F) or no longer pink.
- Remove Breast to rest on a board, add 1/2 cup chicken stock, and reduce to half, then take it off the heat and add 2 tbs of butter and whisk in to thicken.
- Slice breast into quarters and spoon pan sauce over the top.

Chicken maryland in a creamy sauce
- 2 Chicken maryland joints Butchered from a whole chicken
- salt
- 2 tbs butter
- 1 shallot
- 1/3 cup white wine
- 1 avocado
- 1 tbs pure cream
- Remove the thigh and drums from the carcass in one joint – the maryland.
- Preheat oven to 180C (375F)
- Season the chicken with salt, and fry with 1 tbs of olive oil for 4-5 mins or until golden. Turn and cook a further 6 to colour the other side.
- Take the chicken marylands out of the fry pan and pout in a roasting pan.
- Add 2 Tbs of butter to the fry pan and deglaze the pan. Add 1 shallot finely sliced, cook until translucent.
- Add 1/3 cup of dry white wine. Simmer for 1 min. Add 1/3 cup chicken stock, simmer another minute. Remove from heat.
- Add to roasting pan and Bake chicken for 30 mins or until the internal temp if 75C (165F)
- Take the chicken out and rest in a warm place. Blend the baking juices with a stick blender.
- Fry a diced avocado in 1tbs of butter and salt liberally to taste. Add the fried avocado mash to the baking juices with 1/3 of a cup of cream. Mix well.
- Plate the chicken in a bowl, and pour over the blended pan juices with avocado.

Crispy chicken skin
- Chicken skin from butchering a whole chicken
- salt
- Remove remaining skin from the carcass. There will be a strip down the back
- Salt liberally.
- Lay the skin between 2 baking trays lined with baking paper. This wills top it curling.
- Bake in a 180C (375F) oven till golden – about 30 mins.

Chicken stock
- 1 Chicken carcass
- 2 Chicken wing tips
- full cream milk powder
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 sprig Thyme
- 1 sprig Rosemary
- Preheat oven to 180C (375F)
- Salt the carcass well, drizzle with olive oil and and dust with full cream milk powder. Bake till golden.
- Put the baked carcass (with any flesh still on it), the wing tips from the wings, and any wings not eaten, into an instant pot.
- Add 2 crushed bay leaves, a sprig of thyme, a sprig of rosemary, to the pot.
- Add any vegetables you have in your fridge that are pass their use by date.
- Top up the pot to it’s fill level with water,
- Set on to cook under pressure for 3 hours. You may have to give it 1 hour of cooking, three times if that’s the maximum time it will cook for.
- Strain through a collander lined with a kitchen towel.
- Now you have brown chicken stock.

Chicken soup with egg noodles
- 2 cups Chicken Stock from whole carcass
- 1 tbs pure cream
- 2 eggs
- salt
- Put 2 cups of stock in a pot for every cup of soup you need to make. Reduce by half.
- Take it off the heat and add a tbs of pure cream per cup of soup.
- To make the noodles crack 1 egg per cup of soup into a bowl, season it with salt and pepper and blend.
- Take a hot crepe pan, run a knob of butter around it to lubricate it and then pour in enough of the egg mix so it just forms a film.
- Move the pan around to make sure it coats the bottom of the pan. When the top is dry, tap the pan upside down on a cutting board and a thin egg omelette should come out.
- Repeat with the butter and the egg until you have used all the mixture, and have a stack of thin omelettes.
- Fold the stack of omelettes and slice with a knife to make noodles.
- add to the soup and plate in bowls.